you can choose to go directly to the following:
2. family -- becoming engaged, marriage, divorce, children, abortion & adoption. spouses may or may not work.
3. careers -- part-time work for school as well as a number of industries are allowed. promotions, bonuses, terminations, closed businesses and quiting are some of the events/decisions.
4. financial -- each year a budget is presented showing income and expenses as well as a financial status of what is owned and owed. you will be forced to become financially sound. cars, houses, investment and a college fund are some categories for decision-making. other categories are pre-calculated.
5. crises -- although we don't like it, at some point in time in our life a crisis occurs. for the moment, the time and cause of death are pre- calculated. other crises will be added in later versions: aids, drugs, stealing money to support a negative cash flow.
6. social -- this dimemsion deals with social relationships; such as, club membership, sports teams, children and marriage expenses, retirement home costs, etc.
only one chance is given to change any of the factors -- the "push button" menus will be displayed (press space bar to see choices). you are also asked to choose 2 goals in life (scroll down to see choices). from time-to-time you will be allowed to change your goals and a few characteristics -- after all, we do change as life goes on.
these factors, as well as others unknown to you, help determine the events that occur in your life. many events are pre-determined, they will happen at some time, and others are purely random -- the luck of the draw. just like life indeed!
you are able to make decisions affecting your life. how they turn out is determined by the above "rules of the system of life", as we presently know it. for example, going to college will generally result in greater income. "having a happy family" as a goal may not result in a marriage, or having children or even preventing a divorce. who knows what we wish for and what we get. some people just seem to have everything go their way; others always seem to be in trouble.
new life -- you can start all over with this option for the name previously selected as the "player". must be the choice when starting a new game.
life summaries -- you can view 4 aspects of your life's sojourn: the current biographical profile, a graph of your financial condition, or a line-by-line display of major historical events as they occurred in your life.
suspend life -- terminate the game for the time being.
council advisory -- a collection of quotes and advice on life. some funny, some deep. take a look.
promotions and new positions are character/personality determined with a random factor applied (you may not get it even though you want it so badly).
salary changes reflect inflationary adjustments, up or down, so an actual increase may not result. changing jobs -- or getting a new job if terminated -- at the same position, or higher, may not result in an increase in salary. what a bummer!!
upon marriage your spouse's salary may be added to your income, if he/she works (pre-determined factor). check your financial status. obviously, if your spouse works then not only will assets be divided upon divorce, but your salary will also be adjusted. you can remarry if divorced.
some people will not marry, or not have children, or not get divorced. luck (?) of the draw!
income will be adjusted based on a calculated inflation percentage, which can be plus or minus. assets are treated at purchase value with no appraisal or blue book value adjustments (too much work).
the expense categories are calculated based on some percentage of income. some percentages vary as income varies. divorce and retirement have the biggest effect on finances.
you can cash in your college fund and/or investments, too. returning to school or a divorce will create a debt category (loan or alimony) which will be adjusted by annual payments until paid off in full. watch you finances here!
making changes to the budget or financial statement can be annoying. well, what can i say. ever fill out a tax form???
2. soundrec is being used - sounds cannot be played until application using soundrec is terminated.
3. cannot find directory - some earlier versions need to edit glfhist.pif that is used to produce financial graph. follow windows procedure to edit this file (pif editor), changing working directory to glife (remove foxprow).
4. sound garbled - you are not using a soundboard and your internal speaker needs cleaning.
5. printing - you can print history, biographical data, etc using the print screen key which copies to the clipboard. you can print from clipboard.
it is provided through shareware channels to allow individuals to copy and distribute freely to those who wish to try out and examine the program for their own use. if after a total period of 10 hours usage you must either discontinue using the program or pay the required registration fee.
no one is authorized to charge any amount, sales price, any fee or cost coverage charge without the written permission of starman group, inc.
you are licensed to use this software on a single computer. you may copy the software as needed for use on a single computer. making copies of this software for any other purpose is a violation of the united states copyright laws.
this software is sold/distributed as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. starman group, inc nor its dealers or distributors assumes any liability for any alleged or actual damages arising from the use of this program.